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How to know when it's time to test menopause hormone levels

Updated: Jun 27, 2024

How to know when it's time to test my hormone levels
Blood Tests are sometimes used to test hormone levels

Signs of when to test menopause hormone levels

If you are in your 30's, 40's or even in your 50's and you feel like crap, it's probably time to test. Here are some symptoms that can validate that hormone testing might be warranted.

1. Irregular Menstrual Cycles

2. Acne

3. Hair changes

4. Hot flashes and night sweats

5. Unexplained weight gain

6. Unexplained weight loss

7. Vaginal dryness

Where can I go to get menopause estrogen levels tested?

The most common way to test for hormone deficiency is through a series of blood tests. These can be ordered by your primary care physician or personally, if you think you want to explore the world of Hormone Replacement Therapy, I'd start with a specialist in the field of Hormone Replacement Therapy or Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

If you have ready any of my blogs, you know I prefer on-line providers. They have partnerships with labs like Quest or LabCorp and will make arrangements for you to go to a location convenient for you to have the blood draw. Typically, hormone testing will include testing for levels of Estrogen, Progesterone, FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone), Testosterone/DHEA and Luteinizing hormone.

The ideal outcome is for the unwanted symptoms to stop. I have over the years worked with three different on-line providers. Two of three didn't require testing and used the fact that I felt better, experienced significantly less night sweat events and had virtually no hot flashes during the day determine that the medication was doing its job.

The third provider and my favorite of the three is Joi Women's Wellness. They offer three series of lab panels you can request to have performed and from there a certified health coach will meet with you on-line for 30 minutes to help determine your plan to feel like yourself again.

Joi Women's Wellness Pre-Testing

1.  Complete Hormone - $99 (One-Time Test)

2.  Hormone + Metabolic + Thyroid - $249 (One-Time Test)

3. Comprehensive Panel - $599 (One-Time Test)

Joi Blokes Labs - Coupon Code for 10% off

Put lab 1, Complete Hormone, Lab 2, Hormone + Metabolic + Thyroid or Lab 3, Comprehensive Panel in your cart and check out using the discount code for 10% off.

When the labs are complete, they will send you a link to schedule your 1:1 with one of their certified health coaches. You'll review the blood results and discuss your symptoms along with your health history.

Where to go for hormone testing

A hormone health specialist understands the nuances of hormone fluctuations, as well as the potential benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. These practitioners have seen successfully treated patients reclaim their health and their peace of mind --and they are well aware of the potential Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy creates for optimal quality of life as you age.

As you begin the search for an online provider, there are several factors you'll want to take into consideration:

  • Medical Credentials

  • Telemedicine Compliance

  • Patient Reviews and Testimonials

  • Privacy and Security

  • Customization of Treatment Plans

  • Transparent Pricing

  • Communication Channels

  • Pharmacy Partnerships

  • Lab Partnerships

  • Follow-up Monitoring

  • State Regulations and compliance

  • Insurance coverage

  • Patient Support

Is Hormone Testing covered by Insurance?

You may be asking, "can I use my insurance?" and the answer is maybe.

All of the HRT on-line companies and providers are prepared to help you navigate your insurance and what they'll cover and what' you should expect to pay out of pocket. You just need to get in touch and begin the conversation.

Below is a link of the companies I've researched, and I feel are reputable. Two don't require testing which saves you time and money, but the third one, Joi Women's Wellness does.

See my full review of products I am using from Joi and my personal experience so far.

Before I started my journey of HRT, I was crabby, bitching and not much fun to be around. If this sounds like you, it's time to test and see where your hormone levels are.




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