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My Alloy Review -My Out-Of-Pocket Cost

Updated: 3 days ago

Image of Progesterone Tablets and Estrogen HRT Patches
MyAlloy products prescribed to me. Use Alloy Coupon Code HORMONEHUB10 FOR $10 off first order.

My Hormone Replacement Therapy Story

I started my journey using Hormone Replacement Therapy in 2019 and have never looked back. I have however, over the years kept up on what's new and the companies that provide HRT, specifically those that offer it as a telemedicine option.

My biggest complaint when I started HRT four years ago were the night sweats. I would wake up at 3:00 AM drenched in sweat. I would keep a spare pair of pajamas on top of my dresser so I could find them easily when I was changing in the dark. It was not a fun time.

Also, I was at a heavier weight than I'd ever been, I didn't feel like my happy-go-lucky-self, and I felt stuck. I got lucky in that I found a health-care professional I had waited three months to see and who also prescribed HRT. At the time I didn't appreciate what that meant for me, but boy, do I today!

I've used several brands of Hormone Replacement over the years, and I want to share my experience of using MyAlloy.

Image of me with my puppy Winston, a bernedoodle.
Read my full Bioidentical HRT Story here.

Alloy for Menopause Cost to get started

The cost to get stared and to begin communication with a MyAlloy menopause specialist/doctor is $49.95. You'll create an account, provide your medical history, list of your symptoms and pay the start-up fee. They'll send you a confirmation email and upon validation of the new account you'll be given access to communicate with a professional via text and/or Alloy's patient portal.

My favorite thing about Alloy is that they give your freedom and encourage you to let them know if you have specific products, you know you want to try or use. For example, I had used progesterone cream before, and I knew it just didn't absorb well into my system. I wanted to try progesterone tablets, and they allowed me to make that request and prescribed those when the time came.

Image of MyAlloy Dashboard.
MYAlloy uses a patient portal to communicate with their clients.

MyAlloy Products

My HRT specialist prescribed an estradiol patch .5 and the progesterone tablets as I requested. I had experience with the estrogen patch and knew it was a good fit for me, but I was super excited to pair it with the progesterone tablets. And voila, it was a match made in heaven for me.

The patch is the size of a nickel. I peel off the backing and place it alternately between my left and right-side of my torso every 3 to 4 days. It's waterproof and I've never had an issue with it falling off or not staying put.

I choose to take my progesterone tablets in the evening as I have seen studies that show progesterone helps with sleep and since I've always struggled with sleep if taking this at night could help me sleep even better than I am great with this!

Alloy HRT for Menopause Cost

The patch I was prescribed and sent directly to my home was $224 for a 3-month supply. MyAlloy doesn't charge an additional fee for progesterone, so I was all in for the $224 or $74.67 per month.

If you don't have a uterus, then it's likely your HRT professional will not prescribe a progesterone product. You only need progesterone if you still have your uterus.

Alloy HRT Product List and cost

My Alloy: (Use Discount Code HormoneHub10 for $10 off first order)

Estrogen Pill/3 Mos $119

Estrogen Gel/Cream/3 Mos $209

Estrogen Patch/3 Mos $224

Progesterone $Free with Estrogen Rx

Fee to create account $49 (one-time fee)

Does MyAlloy Take Insurance?

No, they don't accept insurance, so be prepared to pay with your HSA card or some other form of credit card.

Does Alloy prescribe Testosterone?

No, currently MyAlloy doesn't prescribe testosterone. If you have done your research and want testosterone to be part of your overall HRT therapy, then I'd suggest you check out Joi Women's Wellness. You'll start their process by selecting one of three labs for bloodwork, pay for the testing and once it's returned with blood work results, you'll meet with a Joi certified health coach to begin discussing HRT options. Joi offers testosterone as part of their therapies. Use coupon code "BRONSON" at check-out to get 10% off lab orders.

Image of M4 Face Cream Tube.
M4 Face Cream. An estriol cream to address signs of aging like decreased collagen production, increased wrinkles, and dryness.

Alloy M4 Face Cream

I also opted to purchase the Alloy M4 Face cream and have been using it one-time per day under my moisturizer and before foundation. It's been about four weeks, but I'm pleased specifically with the area under my eyes as my crow's feet seem to be 'less deep' and it appears that my foundation isn't getting caked into them as they used to. This product was an add-on item, and I paid $149.97 for a 3-month supply.

My Personal Experience using MyAlloy Hormone Replacement Therapy

I would describe my experience with Alloy as a pleasant straight-forward experience. The only 'surprise' was that there is a start-up fee which I didn't see disclosed on their website. So, it was a bit of a surprise when I was required to pay the fee before I could create an account with access to their staff of docs.

However, overall MyAlloy is a lower price-point then pretty much all the other brands, especially the brands that offer telehealth and do all communication via text, email or patient portal. You're not expected to schedule an appointment or set time aside to meet with someone. You'll communicate your preferences, the docs will make recommendations, they'll share pricing, and you'll decide what you want to purchase. They'll write the prescriptions, send to their partner compounding pharmacy and then have the meds shipped directly to you. Easy, Peasy!

I personally feel that I have found the perfect combo for me, specifically in the estrogen patch formulation over an estrogen cream or pill and then the progesterone in tablet form vs. a cream. My cost for a 3-month supply is $224 or $74.67 per month. My night sweats, hot flashes and moodiness have all disappeared.

I'm a true believer in Hormone Replacement Therapy. Based upon what I have learned and the benefits of them beyond just menopause relief, I'm a lifer! Women used to live into their late 40's or maybe 50's back ages ago which meant they only lived a few years without their body's natural occurring hormones, but now we live well into our 80's and 90's which means we live almost 1/3 of our lives after menopause. Adding HRT makes that final 1/3 of your life high-quality years.


Alloy HRT Discount Code
My Alloy YouTube Review

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