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TRT for Females - Joi Women's Wellness

Updated: Aug 16, 2024

Vial of Testosterone and a syringe.
Joi offers three different lab panels to test your testosterone and other hormone levels.

Why consider Testosterone Replacement in Women

How do you know if you have low testosterone or Low-T as the "cool kids" call it?

The two main causes of low testosterone are: diminishing levels of the hormone as a normal result of menopause and aging problems with the ovaries or the pituitary or adrenal glands Testosterone naturally decreases as females age. Levels of other hormones, such as estrogen, also reduce over time, especially when menopause starts.

  • Physical fatigue, exhaustion

  • Bone Loss

  • Muscle wasting

  • Fat accumulation

  • Thin, dry skin, wrinkles, brittle hair and nails

  • Chronic pain, muscle aches, stiffness

  • Urinary incontinence, frequency, urgency (BPH)

  • Vaginal atrophy

  • Decreased sex drive and libido

  • Impotence (decreased performance)

  • Dysphoric mood (depression, anxiety, irritability, loss of confidence)

  • Vasomotor instability (hot flashes)

  • Memory loss

  • Increased Inflammation

As we get older, age associated diseases from Low-T also look like:

  • Obesity

  • Coronary artery disease

  • Pulmonary disease, asthma and COPD

  • Insulin resistance, diabetes, metabolic syndrome

  • Cancer (immune function)

  • Neurological diseases, dementia

  • Osteoporosis, sarcopenia (bone and muscle wasting)

My full Hormone Therapy Replacement Story here.

Older woman laughing.
Testosterone can improve sexual desire.

Testosterone for Women Benefits

Now that we know the possible symptoms of low testosterone, what benefits can we expect if we embark on TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy)?

  • Improved relief of vasomotor symptoms of menopause

  • Increased energy levels

  • Enhanced feelings of well-being

  • Decreased breast tenderness

  • Improved sexual desire

  • Increased sexual sensitivity

  • Increased frequency of coitus

  • Enhanced orgasms

Testosterone for Women Side Effects, the need to manage and monitor for healthy levels

I have done business with several telehealth Hormone Replacement Therapy companies who provide services for women. Some focus on keeping the costs down with the singular goal of managing symptoms. Others, like Joi Women's Wellness, do their best to keep costs down, but not at the risk of saving money on blook work and follow up testing. Joi Women's Wellness treats the whole woman which means they need the data from bloodwork so you can begin to know where to start. The HRT providers that are uber cost focused, typically don't require or offer bloodwork, don't offer testosterone and let your symptoms be the only measuring stick to determine if the therapy is just right for you.

At a minimum HRT includes estrogen and progesterone (if you still have a uterus progesterone is needed). Really good HRT providers also offer testosterone as part of the therapy.

If there is a downside, it's the added time of testing and cost. Just like too much of anything isn't good for us, that is the same for testosterone. But when a provider gets it just right, you can feel so much better! Good HRT providers will test initially before prescribing and will provide follow-up testing to ensure your levels are within a normal range for your age and stage of life.

Too much testosterone can present as:

  • Excess body hair, especially facial hair

  • Balding or thinning hair

  • Acne or oily skin

  • Enlarged clitoris

  • Decreased breast size

  • Deepening of the voice

  • Increased muscle mass

  • Changes in body shape

  • Menstrual irregularity or absence

  • Mood swings, irritability, or aggression

Woman relaxing in a hammock swing.
Testosterone helps build muscle which burns more calories.

Watch my Joi HRT un-boxing of products.

Testosterone for Women, it's impact on Weight Loss

Testosterone Injection Dosage for Females

I am currently on Joi Women's Wellness all-inclusive plan. It's not the first time I've been on HT that includes testosterone, but getting my testosterone as an injection is a first. I admit, I don't love the shots, but I've gotten used to them. As we get older, we have to do non-fun things to feel our best and for me, this now means two T injections per week.

Initially I was prescribed to take 20 units one-time per week. After my first 6-week follow up, post bloodwork my health coach at Joi suggested I go to two-times per week. She shared with me that testosterone has a 3–4-day half-life and since my T levels were still a bit on the low side, we could increase the number of injections per week. We also adjusted my estrogen patch dosage. This the main benefit to a company like Joi, with the on-going care, tweaks can be made as needed to my HRT.

My personal Experience on Testosterone Injections

The main thing I see is how strong I am. It used to be that I could barely crank out eight real push-ups, now I can do ten to twelve and sometimes more. I see muscle definition on my arms which I love. I used to avoid sleeveless t-shirts and now, tank tops are my favorite. My energy is great and I'm still on a bit of a weight loss journey using Joi's semaglutide weight loss drug. (Use code below for 10% off 2/4/6 or 8-Month Supply - put in your cart and check out using the code. Joi will contact you to ship directly to you).

Over the past few years while on HRT, I've lost over 35 pounds. Some in the beginning and some since I started on semaglutide. I had hit a weight loss plateau, so the weight loss drugs of today were much appreciated to get me to my end goal.

TRT Online

I also appreciate that being on testosterone is benefiting my bones, my heart and supports my overall mental well-being. My Joi certified health coach will continue to have me do follow-up blood work every so often and that gives me peace of mind that my levels are not going above that of what's considered healthy for a woman my age.


Use code BRONSON to get 10% off your first set of labs with Joi Women's Health.

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