Winona Treatments
Winona offers Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in creams, pills and patch formulations. All products can be purchased through their website once you free create an account and begin communication with an HRT Doctor.
Hormone Replacement Therapy is prescribed for women who are experiencing symptoms from menopause. Everyone experiences menopause differently, but it may manifest as Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Weight Gain, Moodiness or even Vaginal Dryness.
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement to the Rescue
My menopause showed up in full force when I was about 51. It started with moodiness, then night-sweats, then hot-flashes and then just a diminished desire to be initiate with my husband.
I was fatter than ever, I felt un-attractive and stuck inside a body that didn't feel like my own. I was fortunate enough to find a doctor who prescribed bioidentical HRT about that time and most of my symptoms, at least the hot flashes and night sweats were gone. I was able to lose a good portion of the un-wanted weight in the first year by adding intermittent fasting and regular exercise to my new HRT regimen.
On-line Hormone Replacement Therapy
As I continued my HRT journey, I started to get annoyed with all the doctor visits and blood tests and felt that there had to be a better way to be prescribed HRT. I began a search online of telehealth HRT providers who offer bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. That's when I found Winona.
See my full Winona HRT Review Here.
Winona for Menopause
As I began my search on Google for providers, a few names popped up and I began to do my research. After comparing several online HRT providers, I decided that I wanted to give Winona a try and boy am I glad I did!
I created a FREE account on their website. Almost immediately I was sent a link where I completed my in-take form and provided my credit card for payment of any products I opted to purchase.
I was then sent a link to their patient portal where I began to have text communication with a Winona Doctor.
My HRT Doctor reviewed my medical history and my symptoms and began to make suggestions of products she felt would work best for me. I already knew I wanted to try estrogen in a cream formulation compared to the pills I had been on.
She suggested their Estrogen/Progesterone Cream, the DHEA pills and their Blossom Cream. I was familiar with the cream but needed to do some research on the DHEA and Blossom Cream.
I made the decision to purchase all three products.
Estrogen/Progesterone Cream - 3 Months $199
DHEA Pills 3 Months $27
Winona Blossom Cream $69
Depending on how severe your vaginal dryness symptoms are, you might also be offered a vaginal estrogen cream. I recently added this product to my routine and I'm starting to notice some improvement even in the times I don't use the Blossom Cream.
Winona Blossom Cream
Winona's claim for the Blossom cream is that it's essentially a female Viagra cream but made for a woman. The Blossom cream increases blood flow and wetness to your vaginal area so you not only enjoy sex again, but it will likely be better than ever.
I had heard of Viagra for men but didn't realize a female equivalent existed. Once I received my products from Winona's partner compounding pharmacy, I was excited to switch to the estrogen in a cream formulation and to try the Blossom.
When I first placed the cream in the area, I noticed that I immediately felt warm. The directions say to give it 15-20 minutes for it to fully kick in and to feel the pleasure. The effects can last up to 45 minutes.
Did I notice a difference, YES! I had enhanced sensitivity, and my overall pleasure was higher than normal. You can get 18-24 uses from the one tube.
Blossom Cream Details
Prescription, individualized, natural ingredients
Safe to use with any condom
Does not contain parabens, petrochemicals, synthetic colorants, or fragrances.
Winona Blossom Cream Review
My expectations of the Winona Hormone Replacement Therapy was that it would allow me to continue to feel as good as I had on the other HRT formulation. It did not disappoint, I continued to feel great and was able to have my estrogen in a cream formulation vs. a pill just as I had hoped.
I've been on HRT since 2019 and haven't looked back. My quality of life is much improved and being able to lose those pesky menopause pounds was a huge improvement in my overall health and escalated my self-confidence.
For more information on how I went on to lose the last 12-15 pounds and other tips I have for women who are in the same position, click here.